Bulgarian Farmers Call for Minister's Ouster in Sofia

Farmers and animal breeders from 26 agricultural organizations have converged on the heart of Sofia, staging a protest in front of the Council of Ministers. The protesters have barricaded the square, demanding the immediate resignation of Minister Vatev and urging for constructive dialogue with the authorities.

The focal point of the protest centers on grievances regarding the recent agreement signed between the Agrarian Chamber, grain producers, and government officials, which many protesters argue falls short of addressing their concerns. Key demands include the revision of the Strategic Plan and an increase in subsidy ceilings, issues they feel were overlooked in the previous negotiations.

Despite the agreement reached by some factions within the agricultural sector, dissent persists among those who feel their voices have been marginalized. Accusations of opaque negotiations and unfulfilled promises have fueled divisions within the industry, exacerbating tensions on the ground.

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