Candlelight Vigil Held in Sofia and Worldwide to Honor Alexei Navalny

In a unified expression of grief and condemnation, citizens and visitors of Sofia gathered in front of the Russian Embassy to commemorate the life and legacy of Alexei Navalny, a fierce critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Led by former Minister of Defense Nikolay Nenchev, Valentin Simeonov, the Atlantic Council of Bulgaria, and advocacy groups "Russia's murderous policy for Bulgaria" and "Liberation," the candlelight vigil served as a poignant tribute to Navalny's unwavering dedication to democracy and human rights.

Amidst a solemn atmosphere, mourners laid floral tributes, illuminated the night with flickering candles, and inscribed poignant messages of remembrance, including the stark label "murderers." Despite a heightened police presence, the demonstration remained peaceful, echoing the sentiments of those gathered who highlighted Navalny's plight as emblematic of broader injustices under Putin's rule.

Traffic briefly halted as chants of "Putin is a murderer," "Glory to Ukraine," and "Russia without Putin" reverberated through the streets, underscoring the global outcry against authoritarianism. A moment of silence, marked by solemn kneeling, paid homage to Navalny's courageous activism and ultimate sacrifice.

Addressing the assembly, a Russian-Bulgarian citizen voiced steadfast determination that Navalny's mission would endure until justice prevailed.

Across continents, similar scenes unfolded, amplifying the resonance of Navalny's legacy. In Berlin, hundreds assembled outside the Russian embassy, chanting defiant slogans against Putin's regime. Similar demonstrations were reported in Vienna, Warsaw, and Vilnius, where crowds gathered to honor Navalny's memory and denounce tyranny.

From London to Yerevan,...

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