Does Athens owe Fredi Beleri a candidacy?

I won't get into the discussion of whether putting Fredi Beleri's name on the New Democracy ticket for the upcoming European elections would serve the ruling Greek conservative party's interests; it would, in spades. The issue at hand is whether it would be in the best interest of this country for Himare's mayor-elect to have a voice in the European Parliament, meaning a voice for the ethnic Greek minority of Albania. 

What it looks like is that Greece's Foreign Ministry is trying to offset one mistake by making another. First of all, it has failed and continues to fail to get a proper reading of Edi Rama. The Albanian prime minister has chosen which camp he's in and it is not on Greece's side. This is why he pushed the Beleri affair as far as he did, a development that took the Greek side by surprise and also exposed its diplomatic shortcomings. I don't know whether the...

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