The mixer of ruthless demagoguery

[InTime News]

"We have said that we want gun ownership for the Greek man, training for the Greek woman, for everyone," the leader of the nationalist Greek Solution party, Kyriakos Velopoulos, said in an interview with state-run broadcaster ERT, commenting on the murder of a woman by her former partner outside a police station. His party is on the rise in the latest opinion polls. Velopoulos said that perhaps "if the woman had been trained she would have been able to defend herself." That is, we assume that if she had practiced self-defense, becoming maybe another Lara Croft or the heroine in the film "Kill Bill," she could have neutralized her killer.

The view on gun ownership was formulated as part of the discussion on what needs to change in the Hellenic Police. "First of all, the young officers are untrained. They train them for two or three months, and put them in the police force....

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