Greek prime minister pushing for European Security Fund

[Greek Prime Minister's Office via InTime News]

Seeking new ways to bolster European defensive cooperation, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis called for the creation of a European Security Fund in statements after meeting with his Polish counterpart Donald Tusk in Warsaw on Friday.

"We have discussed a lot about the future of Europe's defense," he said, proposing "to explore new ways of cooperation at the European level to address common threats."

According to Mitsotakis, there could be joint borrowing through the creation of a European Security Fund to meet common challenges, such as anti-missile defense.

"If we use the fund, we will need emblematic programs that will prove that they offer security to European citizens," he said, stressing that "the facts have changed and new security challenges should be brought to the fore."

The Greek PM also referred to the migration issue, noting that "we may be...

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