‘We will not have psychology in the future’

'Most psychology and certainly most psychoanalysis today is a private contract in which the psychologist is selling something,' says British psychoanalyst Ian Parker.

In two packed auditoriums in Athens, psychoanalyst and emeritus professor of the University of Leicester Ian Parker recently presented his new book, co-authored with David Pavon-Cuellar, and now translated into Greek, titled "Psychoanalysis and Revolution: Critical Psychology for Liberation Movements." Following the psychological trend of "anti-psychology" often found in the works of Kant and Bolzano, Professor Parker spent several hours in conversation with his enthusiastic audience.

Kathimerini met him in Psyrri, central Athens, for an interview that delved into the world of revolution against the mainstream psychological stereotypes. "I am anti-psychologist," he declares, adding, "despite working for 30 years as a psychoanalyst," putting forward the fact that psychology is commercialized, kills creativity, and creates barriers.

"Every 'brand' of psychology sells...

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