14 historic confectioneries that are a reason to travel around Greece

For all of us Gastronomos travelers, no mission is complete without a stop for something sweet at a local confectionery. We stick our pins on the map because you never know where you might crave some sweets. In this list, we've rounded up some of the classic and most traditional confectioneries all over Greece that are good reasons to deviate from your route. Confectioneries that have stood the test of time, maintaining consistently high quality and, beyond their cult element and charming patina, are also contemporary, making desserts that suit modern palates.

Papagiorgis Patisserie in Corfu: Pasta frolla and mandolato The Papagiorgis pastry shop, one of the best on the island, was founded in 1924. [Alexandros Avramidis]

On Nikiforou Theotoki street, in the old town of Corfu, you will find the finest pasta frolla (as the island's Italian-influenced pasta flora is...

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