Female choir captivates at ancient stoa

The female vocal ensemble Chores performs under the direction of Greece's Eurovision entry, Marina Satti, at the Stoa of Attalos in the Ancient Agora of Athens on Wednesday. The ensemble presented choral arrangements of traditional Greek melodies, intertwined with new transcriptions of folk songs, written especially for Chores by contemporary composers. The event was part of series of activities organized in Athens, including concerts, workshops, activities with free entry, from Wednesday through to Sunday.

The female vocal ensemble Chores performs under the direction of Greece's Eurovision entry, Marina Satti, at the Stoa of Attalos in the Ancient Agora of Athens on Wednesday. The ensemble presented choral arrangements of traditional Greek melodies, intertwined with new transcriptions of folk songs, written especially for Chores by contemporary composers. The event was part of a series of free-admission events organized in Athens, including concerts and workshops, from Wednesday through to Sunday. [Giorgos Zachos/InTime News]

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