Greek Ambassador Storms Off: North Macedonia's President Takes Oath Without Mentioning Nation's Full Name

The newly inaugurated President of North Macedonia, Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, upheld her campaign pledge during the swearing-in ceremony by refraining from using "North" in the country's name. This omission reflects her stance against the 2018 Prespa Treaty with Greece, which altered the country's name to facilitate NATO membership.

"I declare that I will conscientiously and responsibly fulfill the function of president of the Republic of North Macedonia...", read the first words of the oath, the speaker of the parliament Jovan Mitreski, after whom Siljanovska said: "I declare that I will conscientiously and responsibly fulfill the function of president of Macedonia". BTA quoted her as saying that she did not believe that her election would become a fact. "The only person who claimed that this would happen was the chairman of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski", she said.

In her oath before the Parliament in Skopje, Siljanovska-Davkova substituted "North Macedonia" with "Macedonia," echoing her commitment to her pre-election stance. Her decision drew attention from Greece, with the Greek ambassador leaving the parliament hall in protest.

Despite Siljanovska-Davkova's actions, the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), North Macedonia's largest Albanian party, accused her of violating the constitution by using a name contrary to that specified in the Prespa Treaty.

Simultaneously, discussions unfolded among political factions regarding coalition formations. VMRO-DPMNE, the leading party, sought collaboration with Albanian parties to secure a parliamentary majority. However, differing views on constitutional changes stipulated by the Prespa Treaty complicated negotiations.

While VMRO-DPMNE aims...

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