Royal Return: King Ferdinand I's Repatriation to Bulgaria

Bulgaria's King Boris and Queen Givanna Royal Heritage Fund - Vrana Palace has announced that the remains of King Ferdinand I will be repatriated to Bulgaria. Expected to arrive in Sofia within a month, the transfer marks a significant step in honoring the late monarch's wishes and familial desires.

Following his passing in Coburg in 1948, King Ferdinand I's remains were temporarily interred in the crypt of St. Augustin Catholic Church in the city. Despite his expressed desire, as well as that of his family, to be laid to rest in Bulgaria, the political climate at the time rendered this impossible, as noted by the Fund.

Despite numerous initiatives launched by various committees in the wake of democratic changes in the country, previous attempts to repatriate King Ferdinand I's remains were unsuccessful. However, with the prevailing democratic conditions and a renewed respect for historical legacies, the opportunity has arisen to fulfill the late king's wish by laying him to rest in the family vault at Vrana Palace.

This decision is seen as a tribute to King Ferdinand I's extensive tenure as a state leader and commander-in-chief. While his rule has been subject to differing assessments, his contributions to Bulgaria's development and modernization are acknowledged and honored in this act, according to the press release.

King Ferdinand I passed away on September 10, 1948, in Coburg, Germany, at the age of 87.

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