Raisi’s death and Iran’s many fronts

President Ebrahim Raisi's death raises many questions regarding the clash between the hard core of Iran's theocratic regime and its reformers and moderates. The outcome will determine Iran's domestic and foreign policies. The variables are so many, and the country's involvement in Middle East developments so great, that it is best not to venture any predictions. But we can chart the situation and pose some questions.

Raisi, his foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and other members of his entourage died on Sunday when the presidential helicopter hit a mountain in bad weather. Yesterday, Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, announced that first deputy president Mohamad Mokhber will serve as interim president. According to the constitution, presidential elections must be held within 50 days. We don't know the cause of the crash of
the aged, US-built...

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