Netanyahu's genocidal policies must be stopped: Erdoğan

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan once again called upon the international community to stop Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and "the reckless Israeli government" from continuing their genocidal policies at the expense of their own citizens' security.

"The responsibilities of the international community are evident in stopping Israeli atrocities and ensuring the security of our Palestinian brothers. However, despite this, steps to prevent the massacre are still not being taken," Erdoğan said at a joint news conference with visiting Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu at the presidential complex in Ankara.

"Netanyahu and his reckless government continue their genocide policies at the expense of endangering the security of their own citizens. It is now necessary to put an end to this," he continued.

Erdoğan stated that he and Ciolacu discussed regional and global developments, with the Gaza conflict being a central concern. 

"I am confident that our ally Romania will contribute adequately to international efforts concerning this issue," Erdoğan stated.

The president stated that the Russia-Ukraine War was also deliberated upon and that Ankara has consistently provided substantial contributions "towards ending hostilities, ensuring global food security, and maintaining navigation safety in the Black Sea," since the beginning of the conflict. 

In the presence of both leaders, six agreements were signed, covering areas such as social security, urban planning, tourism, industry and the training of law enforcement personnel. This marks a step in the strategic partnership established between the two countries in 2011

Wishing that the decisions taken and agreements signed at the Council meeting will be beneficial...

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