News archive of January 2017

Mother ‘told to prove lactation’ at Frankfurt airport

A woman has filed a complaint with German police alleging she was told to squeeze her breast at airport security to prove she was lactating.
Gayathiri Bose told the BBC she was “humiliated” by the experience and would explore formal legal action.
She said police at Frankfurt Airport were suspicious because she was carrying a breast pump but travelling without her baby.

Deputy president of National Assembly passes away

Deputy President of the Serbian National Assembly Konstantin Arsenovic, died on Tuesday aged 76, the Assembly has announced.

Arsenovic, who was born in Gornje Koslje in western Serbia, was a graduate of the Military-Technical Academy, the High Military-Technical Academy, the Command Staff School and the School of National Defense.

Schumacher again for Ferrari?


For four years, 2000-2004, Michael Schumacher won everything with Ferrari in Formula 1. Now his 17 year old son, Mick Schumacher, is running with the European Formula 3. He is with Prema, a team that cooperates with Ferrari, something that makes everybody wonder if the story will repeat itself.

Austria Mulls Ban on Burkas

Austria is planning to introduce a ban on burkas. The full covering of the face will now be illegal at public places like state and municipal institutions, reported Nova TV.

The ban will be in force not only for burkas but also for niqabs which leave a slit for the eyes.

Garments which cover the entire body but not the face will not be banned.

Syrian regime says safe zones should be 'discussed with us'

Syria warned on Jan. 30 that safe zones for civilians proposed by U.S. President Donald Trump could only be established in coordination with Damascus, as the plans would otherwise violate the country's sovereignty.

The announcement was made in Damascus by Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem during a meeting with the head of the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR, Filippo Grandi.

Romania's Socialists Leader Charged With Abuse of Office

The leader of the ruling Romanian Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea has been brought to court on charges of abuse of office.

„This case is based on false evidence," stated Dragnea to reporters on leaving the court room.

The case against him was postponed for February 14.

Serbia remains neutral, DM tells Atlantic Council delegation

Defense Minister Zoran Djordjevic said on Tuesday that Serbia remains a militarily neutral country.

Djordjevic made this statement during his meeting in Belgrade with Damon Wilson, executive vice president of the Washington-based Atlantic Council.

Police to display stolen valuables confiscated from 'Roma mafia'

Police in northeast Attica will on Wednesday put on display the stolen items it confiscated from the gang known as the "Roma mafia," which carried out hundreds of robberies across Greece before it was unraveled last November. 
