News archive of August 2017

Greek slips down on global social progress chart

Greece has fallen one spot in the social progress chart drafted by the Social Progress Initiative and Deloitte. The country dropped to 33rd place among 128 states, from 32nd last year.

Kosovo "likely headed for new snap election"

epa06017081 Giant election posters of Ramush Haradinaj, (L), parliamentary elections Prime Minister candidate and leader of the Alliance for Future of Kosova (AAK) and leader of ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Kadri Veseli (R) are seen along a street in Pristina, Kosovo, 08 June 2017. Kosovo's early elections will be held on 11 June 2017. EPA/PETRIT PRENAJ

Grushko: Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya - NATO has no positive results

The Grdelica train bombing occurred on 12 April 1999, when two missiles fired by NATO aircraft hit a passenger train while it was passing across a railway bridge.

NATO's activities in the post-Cold War period have failed to deliver any positive results in terms of ensuring security in Europe, says Russia's envoy to NATO.

Varoufakis slams Tsipras in interview with German newspaper

Yanis Varoufakis has lashed out again at Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, describing him as one who "signs whatever [German Finance Minister Wolfgang] Schaeuble and others bring to him."

Deaf athletes honored at Maximos Mansion

Greek athletes, coaches and sports officials who took part in the recent 2017 Summer Deaflympics, an international event at which deaf sportspeople compete at an elite level, were on Tuesday invited to the Maximos Mansion by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras who congratulated them.

River Party | Kastoria | August 2-6

The largest music and camping festival in Greece is back for the 39th summer in a row, with five full days of concerts and endless hours of fun in a gorgeous woodland area of northern Greece's Kastoria region.

Two more laughing gas arrests on Zakynthos

Authorities on the Ionian island of Zakynthos said on Tuesday they had arrested two shop owners for illegally selling nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, in small vials.

Man arrested in Messinia for peddling child pornography

A 65-year-old man appeared before a prosecutor in Kalamata, southern Greece, Tuesday on charges of peddling child pornography over the internet.

The suspect was tracked down to his home in Messinia by the police cybercrime unit which was working on information received from a US nonprofit organization, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

10 Defective Lamps Have Been Already Changed in 'Vazrazhdane' Park in Sofia

The replacement of defective lamps in the new "Vazrazhdane" Park was started, btv reports.

10 lights have already been changed.

The remaining 15 have been dismantled and taken to a workshop to repair the damage.

The subcontractor said that a signal for non-operating lighting had been received in May but, due to lack of spare parts, they could not eliminate the damage.

US dispatches 100 new trucks packed with military equipment to YPG

The United States dispatched 100 new trucks consisting of military equipment to the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) in Syria on July 30, Turkey's state-run Anadolu Agency has reported.

The trucks were reported in the city of al-Hasakah, located in northeast Syria, before heading to the northern parts of Raqqa.
