

Donald Trump’s die-hard supporters show no signs of straying

They wash their hands of neo-Nazis and wag their fingers at leftists. They denounce a press corps they see as biased and controversies they view as manufactured. But in the frenzied blame game over the deadly violence at a rally of white supremacists, Donald Trump’s loyal base is happy to absolve the president himself.

Barack Obama’s anti-racist tweet most liked ever

Barack Obama’s tweet condemning racism in the wake of the violent far-right rally in Charlottesville during which one woman died has become the most liked tweet in history.
The poignant tweet, in which the former US President quoted Nelson Mandela, has been liked more than 2.9 million times on Twitter.

Jennifer Lawrence goes after Charlottesville racists (photo)

Jennifer Lawrence has joined a growing chorus of celebrities speaking out against the racist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, sharing an impassioned plea for fans to help publicly identify white supremacists who gathered from across state lines to participate in the deadly Unite the Right rallies, which joined various hate groups (including neo-Nazis) over the weekend.

Donald Trump calls out violent left triggering leftist media (VIDEO)

President Donald Trump delivered a crushing rebuke to the leftist media for their one-sided coverage of the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend.

For both failing to report the violence of leftist terrorists like Antifa, and for criticizing President Trump’s measured statement, the President absolutely laid the smackdown on the media.
