

2nd Athens World Poetry Festival

The Poets’ Circle will hold the 2nd Athens World Poetry Festival, from September 21 to September 26, at the Garden of the Athens Concert Hall.

50 poets from 21 different countries will take part in the festival and Greece will be represented by Nanos Valaoritis, Titos Patrikios, Kiki Dimoula, Evgenios Aranitsis, Giannis Dallas, Dimitra Christodoulou and Kostas Stergiopoulos.

Muslim teen arrested for clock gets White House invite

A Muslim teenager arrested after a Texas teacher mistook his homemade clock for a bomb won invitations to the White House, Google and Facebook on Sept.16 in a surge of public support.

President Barack Obama congratulated Ahmed Mohamed, 14, on his skills in a pointed rebuke to school and police officials -- who defended his arrest -- amid accusations of Islamophobia.    

Opposition reads out motion at plenary session of Parliament

Senator Viorel Badea of the opposition National Liberal Party (PNL) on Friday read out the Opposition's motion of censure against Prime Minister Victor Ponta called 'Victor Ponta - dismissed for excessive power by blocking elections. The right to vote is not sloganeering!'

In their motion, the Liberals call for a withdrawal of confidence in the Government.
