Las Vegas


Las Vegas Gunman Stockpiled Weapons Over Decades, Planned Attack

The Las Vegas gunman who killed 58 people and himself in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history stockpiled weapons and ammunition over decades, and meticulously planned the attack, authorities believe, Reuters reported.

But what led Stephen Paddock, 64, to unleash the carnage he did remains largely a mystery.

Official Reports: No Bulgarians Injured in the Las Vegas Mass Shooting

According to official information from the US authorities, received at the Consulate General of Los Angeles, there were no injured or killed Bulgarian citizens in the mass shooting in Las Vegas on October 2, the press office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on October 5, quoted by the Bulgarian National Television.

Meticulous planning by Las Vegas gunman before he opened fire (VIDEO-PHOTOS)

Before he mowed down concertgoers from a perch high in a hotel tower, Stephen C. Paddock created a ring of surveillance around him, with video cameras in his suite and in the hallway, law enforcement officials said on Tuesday. But investigators were still at a loss to offer a motive for the massacre.

The Authorities are Looking for the Motives Behind the Tragedy in Las Vegas

The authorities in the United States continue to search for motives behind the tragedy in Las Vegas, Nova TV reported.

Police found more than 18 firearms, explosives and thousands of ammunition at the home of 64-year-old Steven Paddock. Earlier, another 16 weapons were found in the hotel room, from where he shot people.

Las Vegas shooting suvrivor gives shooter the finger! (video)

This is the defiant moment a survivor of the Las Vegas gun massacre gave the gunman the middle finger as bullets rained down.
Extraordinary footage shows a reveller wearing a dark vest and holding a can rise to his feet while everyone around him takes cover.
He defiantly holds out his arm and gives the gunman the middle finger.
