
Country: France

PM Dancila:France - key partner to Romania, our Strategic Partnership has strong perspective for the future

Throughout history, France has been a key partner to Romania, we have a Strategic Partnership with a strong perspective for the future, that creates the premises for a more structured and more ambitious cooperation, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Friday at the official reception organised in celebration of July 14 - the National Day of France.

The Police in Lyon Arrested a Suspect for the Bomb Attack in the City

The Police in Lyon arrested a 24-year-old man on suspicion that he stands behind the bomb attack in the center of the French city last week, France's press reported, referring to the Paris Prosecutor's Office.

French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner wrote in Twitter that a suspect was arrested for the attack.

BCUC, Bakalina Velika, DakhaBrakha, Kokoroko, Liniker e os Caramelows, Yonatan Gat and many more at the 35th Druga Godba festival

This time the festival organiser, Zavod Druga Godba, has joined forces with three co-producers: Cankarjev Dom and Kino Šiška in Ljubljana and, for the first time in the festival's long history, Narodni Dom in Maribor. Six organisations from the partner cities of Birmingham, Dublin, Helsinki, Lodz, London and Lyon will also be taking part.

All Eyes on Macron after Fresh 'Yellow Vest' Protests Hit Paris

A huge clean-up operation was under way in Paris on Sunday after French "yellow vest" demonstrators clashed with riot police in the latest round of protests against President Emmanuel Macron, but a heavy security deployment averted a repeat of last week's destruction, reports AFP. 

Kosovo Fails For Third Time To Win Interpol Membership

Kosovo has failed for a third time to become a member of Interpol, the international police agency has announced.

Kosovo's application was assessed at Interpol's four-day general assembly in the the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai, together with applications from other states who want to join the 192-member police organization, reports Radio Free Europe. 

The Мost Beautiful Airports Around the World

Among the thousands of airports around the world, there are a few that are really stunning. They can surprise us not only with the incredible architecture but also with their coziness. Brightside chose to show us where the stunning terminals are. 

1. Ashbad International Airport, Turkmenistan

2. Abu Dhabi Airport

3. Lyon-Saint-Exupéry Airport

Croatian Football Faces More Corruption Indictments

The Croatian State Attorney's Office in Osijek, eastern Croatia, on Wednesday filed an indictment against Dejan Lovren, a Croatian football player and Liverpool defender, for giving a false statement during the corruption trial of Zdravko Mamic, the former chief of the Dinamo Zagreb club, and three co-defendants, on September 1, 2017.
