
Sana'a Governorate

Turkish charity distributes Ramadan aid in Yemen

The Turkish Red Crescent (Kızılay) distributed 2,000 food parcels to Yemen on May 16 to needy families.

The head of the Kızılay delegation, Mustafa Aydın, told Anadolu Agency that parcels were distributed to families and refugees in Marib as part of a campaign to distribute 5,000 food parcels in Yemen's different provinces.

At Least 30 People were Killed in Air Strikes in the Capital of Yemen

At least 30 people were killed in Yemen's Sana'a capital in a Saudi Arabian coalition's air strikes, a spokeswoman for the Rebel-controlled health ministry said.

At least 80 people have been injured, and among those killed there are mainly prisoners and civilians. According to eyewitnesses, coalition aircraft have hit hurdles in Sana'a, including prison with criminals.

Saudi Arabia: Gambler in charge

By the end of 2015 the BND, the German foreign intelligence service, had grown so concerned that it warned the government about Saudi Arabia's new Deputy Crown Prince and defense minister, 30-year-old Muhammad bin Salman. "The previous cautious diplomatic stance of older leading members of the royal family," it wrote, "is being replaced by an impulsive policy of intervention."

Formation of new Houthi gov't does not help Yemen, says UN envoy

The formation of a new government by Yemen's armed Houthi movement and its political allies will hinder peace efforts in the country, the U.N. special envoy to Yemen said on Nov. 29. 

The move, reported by the Houthi-run state news agency on Nov. 28, has been seen as a blow to U.N.-backed efforts to end 20 months of war in Yemen. 

My grandfather also died in the hajj

My grandfather died in the hajj pilgrimage. Not now. It must have been sometime around 1927. My mother was a toddler back then, born in 1926. My uncle was a baby. My grandmother was probably in her late 20s. My mother and my uncle never got to know their father. My grandmother had to raise two children herself after her husband did not come back from the hajj.
