
Country: Bulgaria Population: 1 205 509

Bulgarian Refugee Center Head:We Save Asylum Seekers from Homelessness

An interview with Colonel Pepi Dzhurenov, the person is in charge of the refugee center in Sofia's district of Voenna Rampa, a unit of Bulgaria's State Agency for Refugees.

- Tell us more about the refugee center in Voenna Rampa, what nationalities have been accommodated here?

Construction in Bulgaria Posts Growth

The construction market in Bulgaria in 2013 showed signs of resurrection, shows an analysis of the National registry of new buildings. 

According to the data, there was an increase in demand and investments in vacation homes and office space. 

The growth in construction in 2013 placed Sofia on the top place in built-up area in Bulgaria. 

EU Election Bid of Media Mogul Peevski Triggers New Protest in Sofia

The EU election bid of controversial media mogul Delyan Peevski, MP from liberal party Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS), has triggered a new protest in Sofia.

The rally is yet again organized via Facebook and has been scheduled to start at 7pm in front of the Council of Ministers building.

Prince Edward to Visit Bulgaria

Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, arrives on Monday in Bulgaria upon the invitation of Bulgaria's President Rosen Plevneliev.

Prince Edward is the chairperson of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and will arrive in Bulgaria on the occasion of the centenary of the start of World War I. 
