Serbian election date set?

Both local and parliamentary elections will be held on the same date.
Secretary General of the President of Serbia Nikola Selakovic confirmed for Prva TV that the parliamentary and local elections in Serbia will be held on April 26th.
Vucic earlier said that potential dates for the forthcoming elections could be April 19 or 26, "Blic" recalls.

SNS wins 51.5 pct, five parties in parliament, some close to threshold

BELGRADE - Based on 60 percent of processed ballots in Serbia's early parliamentary elections on Sunday, the SNS won 51.5 percent of the vote, and the Serbian parliament's future legislature could also comprise the SPS with 12.4 percent, the SRS with 7.7 percent, the DS with 5.4 percent and the Dveri-DSS coalition with 5 percent of the vote, CeSID program director Djordje Vukovic said.

Serbia PM Pledges National Renewal after Floods

"All of those whose homes were destroyed will get new ones," Serbia's Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vucic, said, pledging national renewal following the recent disastrous flooding.

Vucic said the government will help share the costs of restoring damaged and ruined homes and the owners will receive supplies and appliances.