
US to require negative virus test for UK arrivals

U.S. authorities announced on Dec. 24 that passengers arriving on flights from the United Kingdom will need to test negative for coronavirus before departure, the latest restriction imposed due to a new Covid-19 variant.

News of the strain, believed to be more transmissible, led to nations around the world closing their borders to travelers from the U.K.

Radu Ciorniciuc's documentary "Acasa, My Home" wins Grand Prize at DOK.fest Munich

Director Radu Ciorniciuc's debut documentary film, "Acasa, My Home", which tells the story of the family that lived for 20 years in the wilderness of the Vacaresti Delta (ed.n. - a natural delta in District 4 of Bucharest), until the place received protected area status, won the Grand Prize at DOK.fest Munich, according to a release sent to AGERPRES.

Storks return home as spring comes

Storks, which migrate to relatively warmer regions in winter, have returned to their old home in Turkey with the arrival of the spring season.

The 20-acre forest area, located in the Kızılırmak Delta Bird Sanctuary in the Black Sea province of Samsun and currently hosting 900 stork nests, welcomed its first guests.

Romania has lowest tourism taxation in EU, Tourism minister says

Romania has the lowest tourism taxation in the European Union, 5 percent VAT, and this fact has generated steady increases in the number of tourists in the country, according to the relevant minister, Bogdan Trif. "We have the lowest EU tourism taxation, the lowest taxes in the EU, 5 percent VAT.

NASA Blasts off Space Laser Satellite to Track Ice Loss

AFP - NASA's most advanced space laser satellite blasted off Saturday on a mission to track ice loss around the world and improve forecasts of sea level rise as the climate warms.

Cloaked in pre-dawn darkness, the $1 billion, half-ton ICESat-2 launched aboard a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg Air Force base in California at 6:02 am (1302 GMT).

FAPT's Martin: We'll sell Russian tourists experiences, stories and not focus only on hotels

For the Russian tourist market we have to propose that the vacation in Romania be an experience, taking into account that Bulgaria has a higher promotion advantage, President of the Federation of Romania's Tourism Promotion Associations (FAPT) Corina Martin stated.

Hundreds of reenactors from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Ukraine attend Roman festival in Alba

More than 300 reenactors from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain and Ukraine attend Roman Apulum festival in Alba-Iulia, an event that will take place until May 1 and already attracted more than one thousand spectators, most of them tourists.

The $500 apple: Woman Fined For Failing to Declare Fruit She Was Given on Flight

A woman from Colorado has been fined $500 (£360) after failing to declare an apple that she took from a transatlantic flight.

Crystal Tadlock was given the fruit sealed in a wrapper on her Delta flight from Paris to Minneapolis on 18 April. She did not eat it on the journey and decided to save it for her connecting flight to Denver.
