National Health Insurance Fund

Conflict Erupts Between Political Factions in Bulgarian Parliament Amid Resignation Vote of the Speaker Rosen Zhelyazkov

With 129 votes "in favor" and 103 "against", the deputies voted for the resignation of the Speaker of the Parliament Rosen Zhelyazkov. This happened after a request was submitted by WCC-DB and BSP for early release of Zhelyazkov for his overall behavior as the head of the institution and for systematic non-implementation of the legislative program.

Bulgaria Takes Action Against Whooping Cough Outbreak: Minister Kondeva Announces Measures

In response to the recent deaths of two newborns due to whooping cough, the Ministry of Health in Bulgaria has implemented measures to curb the spread of the disease. Dr. Galya Kondeva, the Minister of Health, revealed at an extraordinary briefing that the ministry has initiated steps to limit the outbreak's impact.

Turmoil in Bulgarian Parliament as Health Fund Manager's Resignation Accepted Against Backdrop of Controversy

In a dramatic turn of events in the Bulgarian Parliament, the resignation of Stanimir Mihailov, the manager of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), was unexpectedly accepted, despite Mihailov having withdrawn it prior. The decision sparked outcry among parliamentary groups, with Kiril Petkov of "We Continue the Change" party labeling the move as reminiscent of a dictatorship.

Protest by Trade Unions at Council of Ministers: Demanding State Salary Increases

This morning, The Confederation of Labour Podkrepa and The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria from State Management and Organizations within the National Security Council are organizing a protest demonstration in front of the Council of Ministers. The event is set to commence at 9:30 a.m.

Bulgaria's Ministry of Finance: 56 Heart Disease Medicines to Be Free Starting April

The Ministry of Finance has disclosed its affirmative stance on allocating resources for covering the entire cost of 56 drugs targeting cardiovascular diseases, such as those addressing hypertension, arrhythmia, and other frequently occurring chronic ailments. The co-payment will be lowered for more than 300 medications.

Bulgarian Doctors Will Provide Referrals For MRI Scans

Dr. Gergana Nikolova from the Bulgarian Medical Association (BMA) commented on BNT that the importance of the changes and the significance of preventive check-ups lie not only in prevention but also in the opportunity to increase access to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for the detection of more serious diseases in early stages.

National Health Insurance Fund's 2024 Budget Clears Second Reading in Parliament

The National Assembly achieved a significant milestone on Monday as it greenlit the 2024 National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) Budget Bill on its second reading. This crucial legislation outlines the financial blueprint for the NHIF in the coming year.

MPs Clash! Vazrazhdane's Standoff In The Bulgarian Parliament

An extraordinary session in the Bulgarian Parliament took a tumultuous turn as members of the pro-Russian party "Vazrazhdane" party sought to disrupt proceedings, sparking turmoil within the debating chamber. The session, primarily focused on critical energy-related amendments, was marred by dramatic interruptions and attempts to silence discussions by shutting down the sound system.

National Health Insurance Fund Leadership Resigns Amid Controversy

The Governor and Deputy Governor of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), Stanimir Mihaylov and Prof Momchil Mavrov, have submitted their resignations to the National Assembly, confirmed by Parliament's press centre following a joint briefing by GERB leader Boyko Borissov, Democratic Bulgaria co-chair Hristo Ivanov, and We Continue the Change co-chair Asen Vassilev.
