Saudi Arabia


Oil prices spike as Saudi Arabia, Russia extend  cut

Saudi Arabia and Russia have agreed to extend their voluntary oil production cuts through the end of this year, trimming 1.3 million barrels of crude out of the global market and boosting energy prices.

The dual announcements from Riyadh and Moscow pushed benchmark Brent crude above $90 a barrel in trading yesterday, a price unseen in the market since November.

Israel’s PM pitches fiber optic cable idea to link Asia, Middle East to Europe

Israel's prime minister on Sunday floated the idea of building infrastructure projects such as a fiber optic cable linking countries in Asia and the Arabian Peninsula with Europe through Israel and Cyprus.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he's "quite confident" such an infrastructure "corridor" linking Asia to Europe through Israel and Cyprus is feasible.

UN experts challenge Aramco over climate change

U.N. experts have written to oil firm Saudi Aramco and its financial backers challenging them on allegations that their activities are fuelling climate change-related negative impacts on human rights.

A cache of correspondence was published on Aug. 26 on a United Nations human rights special procedures website, exactly two months after it was sent.
