Latest News from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Angelina Jolie Hails Bosnia War Rape Initiative

The Hollywood star addressed a conference in Sarajevo on wartime sexual violence, saying that peacekeeping troops needed better training to help prevent rape in conflict zones.

Foreign Ministers Back EU's New Line on Bosnia

Bosnia's Foreign Minister, Zlatko Lagumdzija, met his British counterpart, William Hague, on March 28 to discuss the European Union's "new approach" to Bosnia and Herzegovina, which involves focusing on economic and social issues instead of on constitutional changes.

Tuzla Gets New Govt After Mass Protests

Tuzla Canton is the first in Bosnia and Herzegovina to get a new government since the mass protests that started in February forced four of the Federation entity's ten cantonal governments to resign.

Members of Tuzla Canton's new government held their first meeting on March 27 after the cantonal assembly confirmed their posts the night before.

Mass Grave Found Near Bosnia’s Donji Vakuf

Investigators have discovered a mass grave that could contain the bodies of almost 150 murdered Bosniaks in the village of Oborci near the central Bosnian town of Donji Vakuf.

Linta: Serbs in Croatia in difficult position

BELGRADE - President of the Coalition of Refugee Associations Miodrag Linta has noted that the Serbs in Croatia are in a difficult position, including the expelled ones, as they cannot exercise their basic human rights.

Sarajevo Withdraws Award For Zagreb Mayor

The City Council of Sarajevo has withdrawn its decision, made in February, to make Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandic an honorary citizen of the Bosnian capital owing to his recent statements backing a third, Croatian entity for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Deputy Sarajevo Mayor Aljosa Campara said he hoped the decision would not harm relations between Sarajevo and Zagreb.

"Serbs won't let Bosnia join sanctions against Russia"

"Serbs won't let Bosnia join sanctions against Russia"

BANJA LUKA -- The Serb entity in Bosnia-Herzegovina will not allow this country to join the EU and U.S. sanctions against Russia, RS President Milorad Dodik has said.

Bosnia's NATO Hopes 'Depend on Serbia'

Bosnia's path to NATO membership is complicated by neighbouring Serbia's unclear attitude towards the alliance, a conference held on March 25 in Sarajevo by the Atlantic Initiative heard.

Few Bosnians Expect Census to be Accurate

Only 15 per cent of citizens expect the results of the 2013 population and household census in Bosnia to show the factual situation, according to a survey by PopisMonitor, which has closely followed closely the census and post-census processes.

The same analysis showed that 40 per cent of people did not believe the census figures reflected the truth.

Serbia's Vucic Vows To Protect Republika Srpska

Vucic said after a meeting with Republika Srpska’s leader Milorad Dodik in Belgrade on Saturday that his administration would always protect Republika Srpska, the Serb-dominated entity in Bosnia.

Bosnia’s Mostar Airport Aims for Expansion

Mostar airport has announced that Italian airline Meridiana will run direct flights to Milan from April to September this year, while Mistral Air will reactivate its connections to Bari and Napoli and is also preparing to launch other destinations including Rome.

Dodik: Strong Serbia is key to Republika Srpska's existence

BELGRADE - Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik said on Saturday that a powerful Serbia was crucial for the existence of Republika Srpska (RS) within Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Serbia got "a powerful government and institutions" after the snap parliamentary poll, Dodik told a joint news conference after a meeting with Serbia's Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade.

Dzakula: Removal of refugee status is ethnic cleansing

ZAGREB - The Serbian Democratic Forum (SDF) accused on Friday the Croatian government that its announcement that it would remove the refugee status from the people who fled Croatia during the 1990s war was intended to stop the return of Serb refugees and complete the ethnic cleansing.

Kosovo is our Jerusalem, minister tells Israeli daily

Kosovo is our Jerusalem, minister tells Israeli daily

JERUSALEM -- Aleksandar Vulin, minister in charge of Kosovo in Serbia's caretaker government, has said that Kosovo has both economic and strategic significance for Serbia.

But above all, he told the Jerusalem Post in an interview given ahead of last weekend's elections, it is "the soul of the Serb people."

Bosnia's stability "of great interest to Serbia"

Bosnia's stability "of great interest to Serbia"

SARAJEVO -- Stability, prosperity and successful EU integration of Bosnia-Herzegovina are of great interest to Serbia, Serbian Ambassador Stanimir Vukićević has said.

He added that any changes in Bosnia-Herzegovina are the result of agreements made within the country.
