Latest News from Macedonia

Movement for Change rules out backing gov't on name issue

With speculation swirling about the possible repercussions of the junior coalition partner's differentiated stance on the Macedonia name issue, sources of the center-left Movement for Change party on Monday ruled out a possible alliance with leftist SYRIZA.

Pavlopoulos calls on FYROM to avoid name with irredentist claims

In comments made during a televised exchange on Monday with Israel's President Reuven Rivlin, Greece's Prokopis Pavlopoulos declared that the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will be unable to join NATO as long as there are signs of irredentism.

Thoeodorakis expresses support for Macedonia protest rally on Sunday

The eminent Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis has declared his support for a rally scheduled for this Sunday at Syntagma Square protesting the potential inclusion of the name Macedonia in a solution to a name dispute between Athens and Skopje.

UN mediator Nimetz sees dynamic for FYROM name deal

Last week's meeting between Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his counterpart from Skopje, Zoran Zaev, was of "historical importance," the United Nations special representative for the name dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) told Kathimerini ahead of his visit this week to the two Balkan neighbors.

FYROM name talks having impact on domestic politics

As United Nations-mediated negotiations aimed at resolving a dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia gain momentum, international diplomacy is not the only concern of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who is keen to secure the broadest possible domestic political support for a possible agreement. 

Consensus is key

If Athens wants to really focus on the biggest strategic threat that it faces, it should wrap up its negotiations with Skopje and reach an agreement on the new name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) as soon as possible.

Political test-tube babies

What traits do political officials of the new generation share? This was not the subject of a recent television debate on the name talks with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), yet it went a long way toward answering the question. The panel consisted of three 30- to 40-year-old spokespeople from as many parties, together with other political figures.

Mitsotakis blasts Tsipras after meeting on name talks

New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis launched a stinging attack on Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras after the pair held a brief meeting on Saturday morning to discuss the negotiations with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) over the name issue.

Mitsotakis blasts Tsipras after meeting on FYROM name talks

New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis launched a stinging attack on Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras after the pair held a brief meeting on Saturday morning to discuss the negotiations with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) over the name issue.

Tsipras to meet party leaders on name issue amid tension

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is to meet on Saturday with the leaders of the main opposition parties to inform them about the discussions with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) over the name issue, although there is growing tension within his own coalition about the matter. 

Five suspects arrested over trouble at Thessaloniki rally granted release

Five self-styled anarchists who were detained after a police van was torched during a protest in Thessaloniki last Monday were released pending trial on Friday.

The five men had been taking part in a demonstration to protest an arson attack on Sunday by suspected far-rightists on the Libertatia squat, during a rally protesting the Macedonia name talks.

FYROM to Change Airport Name to Help Settle Dispute With Greece

FYROM (Macedonia) Prime Minister Zoran Zaev took a big step Wednesday in resolving a longtime dispute with neighboring Greece over the name Macedonia.

Zaev said his country would change the name of Alexander the Great Airport in the capital, Skopje.

Putin's Bikers Invite Bosnian Serb Chief to Party

The controversial Russian motorcycle club, the Night Wolves, known for its close ties to President Vladimir Putin, has invited the president of Bosnia's mainly Serbian entity to their annual party in Sevastopol, in annexed Crimea.

The bike show is scheduled for August 17.

It remains "unknown whether Dodik will accept the invitation", a source from Dodik's cabinet told BIRN.

ND accepts PM's 'overdue' invitation for briefing on name talks

Following demands for more transparency in the ongoing diplomatic effort on the name dispute with Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will hold a briefing for political leaders at his office on Saturday.

PASOK chief demands political leaders' meeting on name talks

The head of PASOK reached out by telephone to Alexis Tsipras on Friday to demand that the prime minister convene a meeting of political leader to discuss progress in name talks with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).

Fofi Gennimata has accused the leftist-led government of pursuing "secret diplomacy" in its talks with Skopje and of "dividing the Greek people."
