Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP)

Bulgarian Socialists Deem Ex-President ‘Self-Expelled’ from Party

The Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) is set to announce the "self-expulsion" of former Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov.

At its upcoming National Council on Friday, Bulgaria's ruling party will also declare the resignation of key BSP members who earlier joined Parvanov's splinter movement called Alternative for Bulgarian Renaissance (ABV), Dnevnik.bg has learned.

Consumer Loan Act Changes Pass 1st Reading in Bulgaria's Parliament

A set of amendments to the Consumer Loan Act passed first reading in Bulgaria's Parliament.

The legal changes, put forth by Yordan Tsonev, MP from liberal party Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) and Rumen Gechev, MP from the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), were approved with 99 votes in favor, 4 votes against and 7 abstentions, according to reports of dnevnik.bg.

Bulgaria to Not See Electricity Price Hikes in Years – Socialist MP

Socialist MP Yavor Kuyumdzhiev has assured that electricity prices in Bulgaria will not increase for years.

"Anybody may request an increase in power rates but what matters is what the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (DKEVR) permits, and the demands of power distributors are unrealistic," Kuyumdzhiev said Thursday in an interview for Nova TV.

Second Bulgarian MP Declares Affiliation to Newly Formed Party

Svetlin Tanchev, an MP formerly from the largest opposition group GERB, will represent the newly-established party Bulgaria Without Censorship.

Although he has not joined the party, he is expected to stand for its interests in the Bulgarian Parliament starting from Tuesday, Dnevnik.bg reports.
