Cooperation in Europe

EU Rejects Illegitimate Russian Elections in Occupied Ukraine

In a resolute stance against the recent Russian presidential elections held in the occupied Ukrainian regions, the European Union has officially declared its non-recognition of the process. Josep Borrell, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, issued a statement on behalf of the Community countries outlining their strong condemnation and concerns.

North Macedonia took over the Chairmanship of the OSCE, Main Priority will be Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

North Macedonia took over the chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on Sunday and will lead it for the next 12 months. The foreign minister of the country, Bujar Osmani, became the chairman of the OSCE and defined the restoration of mutual trust and the need to resume the dialogue on security issues as the main tasks for the current year.

Dendias to take part in 27th OSCE Ministerial Council on Friday

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias is on Friday scheduled to participate in the 27th Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

The meeting will be held via video teleconferencing and Dendias will join it from the Cypriot capital of Nicosia, which he is due to visit.

ForMin Aurescu pleads for increased presence of Romanian experts in leadership positions at the OSCE

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu on Monday had a meeting in Vienna with the Secretary General of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Thomas Greminger, in which context he pleaded for an increased presence of the Romanian experts in leadership positions at the OSCE, informs a release sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) to AGERPRES.
