Council of State

Move to expedite top court rulings

Delays in the administration of justice by the Council of State, the country's highest administrative court, is usually the rule rather than the exception, as there are currently 11,000 cases pending.

In fact, many cases are adjourned up to 10 or more times, at the initiative of the judges themselves, and there are extreme cases such as the adjournment of one case 72 times. 

Auditing system has improved

The unification of audit centers and their supervision by a strong central administration - which put an end to the expansive interpretation of circulars and legislation - as well as the previous decisions by the Tax Dispute Resolution Directorate (DED), have led to a significant reduction in appeals by taxpayers, as well as in how long it takes for them to get vindicated.

Building bonuses shot down by top court

The bonus in square meters and height under Greece's new Building Code was ruled unconstitutional in principle by the E Section of the Council of State,  Greece's highest administrative court. The ruling concerned an appeal by the Alimos Municipality in southern Athens against a building permit for the construction of an apartment block. 

Trial length leads to €3,000 compensation

The Council of State compensated 3,000 euros to a property owner due to prolonged trial duration, with 11 adjournments leading to a decision after five years.  

The owner sought €4.5 million from the State as three of her properties were subject to archaeological regulations, prohibiting construction. After she was vindicated, she also received €3,000.

Unimplemented court rulings

It should classify as one of the teething problems of democracy. However, it remains a stark reality that blatantly contradicts the principles of the rule of law: Judicial rulings, issued by the Council of State, Greece's highest administrative court, often go unimplemented due to political expediency or to serve vested interests. 
