Fethullahist Terror Organization

Turkey accuses Germany of turning ongoing row into crisis before polls

Germany has been trying to turn ongoing problems in bilateral ties with Turkey into a crisis because of looming elections, a senior Turkish official has said, accusing German officials of depicting Turkey as an unsafe country for its investors despite numerous high-level refuting statements from Ankara. 

Serious confidence crisis in German relations recently: Turkish foreign ministry

Turkey's Foreign Ministry stated on July 20 that there had been a serious confidence crisis between Berlin and Ankara recently, describing German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel's remarks as "the latest and an unacceptable example of the one-sided distorted approach" against Turkey.

July 15: The new National Day

It is the first anniversary of the terrible July 15, 2016, coup attempt, which deserves to be celebrated as the victory of civil politics over such a dark plot and to be considered as a national day. Indeed, we have to be proud that the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and all opposition circles duly defended democracy against an attempted coup last year.

Turkey still expects int'l support and solidarity one year after coup attempt: EU Minister

Turkey expects support and solidarity from the international community, particularly from the United States and the European countries, the EU Minister has said, expressing Ankara's regret over the increasing number of the acceptance of asylum applications of coup plotters in mentioned countries.
