German police

German Police Make Arrests in Nationwide Raids on Human Traffickers

German police said on Wednesday they had raided properties and made arrests across the country in an operation to crack down on human traffickers.

Police tweeted that they had carried out the raids and arrests in Berlin, Bremen, North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony, reported Reuters. 

German Police have Arrested the Suspect for the Baby Food Poisoning

German police have detained the suspect for poisoning baby food. His name is not mentioned. According to a spokesman for the police, the man is from the Tubingen region and looks very much like the man from the photo of the alleged blackmailer, the BNR said, citing the local media.

The German Food Poisoner has at Least One Accomplice

The extortionist who put poison in food and wants EUR 10 million from big trading chains in Germany to stop this activity has at least one accomplice. The police believe that jars of poisoned baby purees are found in several branches of non-Friedrichshafen shops (five poisoned children's purees were originally found in this town).
