High Court in London

Julian Assange Granted Opportunity to Pursue Extradition Appeal in UK High Court

In a pivotal development for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the High Court in London granted him the opportunity on Tuesday to continue his legal battle against extradition to the United States. The decision comes amid ongoing international scrutiny over the implications of Assange's potential trial in the US.

Assange Trial: US Lawyers Argue Case Not About Politics

Lawyers representing the United States in the trial of Julian Assange asserted that the legal proceedings are centered on the publication of classified information, not Assange's political views. The hearing, taking place at London's High Court, marks Assange's final attempt to prevent his extradition to the US, with proceedings commencing on February 20.

Assange to be extradited to the United States: British minister gives "green light"

The case was forwarded to the Minister of the Interior last month, after the Supreme Court decided that there were no legal issues regarding the assurances of the American authorities about how it will be treated.
Although Patel gave the green light, an appeal from Assange's legal team is expected.

14-year-old cancer patient wins court case to freeze herself

A terminally ill teenager who wanted her body to be cryogenically frozen in the hope she could “live longer” won a landmark legal battle shortly before she died.
The 14-year-old’s divorced parents had become embroiled in a dispute about whether her remains should be taken to a specialist facility in the US and cryogenically preserved.