Kurdistan Workers' Party

Infidel propaganda

Bartın is a small and lovely Black Sea coastal city. It is only about a three-hour drive from Ankara. The town was in the headlines this week with a rather interesting SMS message from the provincial education director: Don't let your children fall prey to infidel propaganda.

HDP wants to see greater Russian role on Kurdish issue

Moscow needs to become more involved in the Kurdish issue, Selahattin Demirtaş, the co-leader of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), has said during a five-day visit to the Russian capital.

Russia does not generally contact Kurds directly, but prefers doing this via Turkey, Demirtaş told dailies Sputnik and Kommersant, Cihan news agency reported.

Turkish sociologist Selek acquitted of bombing charges for fourth time

An Istanbul court on Dec. 19 acquitted Pınar Selek once again, in a case in which she was accused of being involved in the bombing of Istanbul's Spice Bazaar in 1998.

The feminist scholar, who lives in Strasbourg and is known for her work on Kurdish people, was sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment last January, despite being acquitted of the same charge three times in the past.
