National League for Democracy (NLD)

Turkey condemns use of force on civilians in Myanmar

Turkey on Feb. 28 condemned the Myanmar military junta's disproportionate use of force on peaceful protesters causing the loss of many civilian lives. 

"We observe with deep concern that the stability in Myanmar is deteriorating after the coup d'etat on 1 February 2021," the Foreign Ministry said in a press release.

Tens of thousands rally in growing protests against Myanmar coup

Tens of thousands of anti-coup protesters in Myanmar poured back onto the streets on Feb. 7, as an internet blackout failed to stifle growing outrage at the military's ouster of elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

The fresh rally followed large protests on Feb. 6 across the country condemning the coup that brought a 10-year experiment with democracy to a crashing halt.

Coup and state of emergency PHOTO

Myanmar's powerful military has taken control of the country in a coup and declared a state of emergency, following the detention of Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior government leaders in early morning raids on Monday.
The army also announced that a state of emergency would be imposed for a year. Reactions are coming from around the world: Worrying.
