Topoloveni Police Department

President Iohannis about incidents in Topoloveni: Not even communists allowed themselves something like this

Not even the communists allowed themselves something like this, said President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday in relation to the incidents in southern Topoloveni, Arges County, last Friday, when ten people protesting during a visit of the Social Democratic Party (PSD, major ruling, ed. n.) leader Liviu Dragnea, were taken up by the gendarmes and rushed to the police station.

Military Prosecutor's Office opens investigation on gendarmes' crackdown on people protesting against PSD in Topoloveni

The Military Prosecutor's Office attached to the Bucharest Military Tribunal has taken note and has filed a criminal case in rem in connection with the gendarmes' crackdown on the people who protested against the Social Democratic Party (PSD, major at rule, ed.n.) in Topoloveni. The case concerns the offenses of abuse of service, abusive behavior and deprivation of liberty.