University of Patra

Police make 25 arrests in Patra

Police in Patra made 25 arrests on Friday after a group of young people attacked police and wrote slogans on city buses.

A subsequent search of an occupied former building of the University of Patra yielded wooden bats, vessels containing petrol residue, fabric, masks and empty bottles.

EODY team to visit University of Patra following third meningitis case

A team from the National Organization for Public Health (EODY) is scheduled to visit the University of Patra in western Greece on Thursday following the report of a third serious case of meningitis involving a student this year, which was reported on Wednesday.

The 20-year-old patient is currently receiving treatment in the intensive care unit of Patra University Hospital.

Patra student intubated with meningococcal disease

A young man is currently intubated at the Intensive Care Unit of the General University Hospital of Patra in western Greece after contracting meningococcal disease, public broadcaster ERT reported on Monday. 

According to the report, the man, a first-year student at the University of Patra, was discovered in critical condition at his residence.

Coming week deemed crucial by experts for course of lockdown

This week is considered particularly critical by the Health Ministry's committee of experts, who are anxiously awaiting encouraging signals that would relieve some of the pressure on the country's National Health System and pave the way for a gradual de-escalation of restrictive measures.

NTUA against plans to merge universities, technical colleges

The prestigious National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) is expected to express its opposition to plans by Education Minister Costas Gavroglou to merge universities with technical colleges (TEIs) and create new polytechnics.
The NTUA's senate discussed the matter on Friday and is expected to reveal its views at a press conference on Monday.

US epidemiologist: 'Genes give us the gun, environment pulls the trigger' in cancer

"Genes give us the gun, while the environment pulls the trigger," the prominent US epidemiologist Devra Davis told Kathimerini in an exclusive interview ahead of her speech at a conference titled "Dramatic Changes on the Planet and the Greek Roots of Ecological Ethics," which took place at the University of Patra in southwestern Greece from June 17 to 20.

EU-funded environmental protection project launched

Conservationists in Greece expect to receive a big boost after the launch of a major European Union-funded program related to the protection of the Mediterranean country's natural environment and biodiversity.

The so-called LIFE IP 4Natura project aims to develop and implement measures for the protection of species and habitats in the EU's Natura 2000 network.

ND asks for student union head's resignation over exam cheats

New Democracy on Tuesday asked for the resignation of the head of its affiliated student union (DAP) at the University of Patra, in western Greece, after he criticized university authorities for punishing more than 100 students for cheating.

"New Democracy demands that everyone respects the rules without exception," the conservative opposition said in a statement.
