
Nearly 70 percent of Americans are Pessimistic about the US Economy

Nearly 69% of Americans are pessimistic about the country's economy, the highest level in 17 years.

The data comes from the latest CNBC economic survey, which shows that nearly 7 out of 10 people have a negative view of the economy. 2/3 of those polled say inflation is outpacing their wages, and the same number (2/3) believe the US will fall into or is already in recession.

Congress notified about $259 million F-16 equipment sale to Turkey

On Monday the Biden administration notified Congress of a $259 million F-16 equipment sale to Turkey. Petros Kasfikis, the Washington DC correspondent for the Athens News Agency and Mega TV, joins Thanos Davelis to break down the details of this deal, what it means for the potential sale of F-16s to Turkey, and explore whether this signals a shift in Washington when it comes to Ankara.

Did Turkey target Syrian Kurdish leader and US personnel with a drone strike?

This weekend missiles from a drone nearly hit a US convoy carrying American personnel and Mazlum Kobane, a top American ally in the fight against the Islamic State and the commander in chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces.

Kobane said he was the target of an assassination, while the Pentagon said the strikes "directly threatened the safety of US personnel" working to defeat IS.

The Biden administration blamed Trump for the Chaotic Withdrawal from Afghanistan

US President Joe Biden's administration has blamed his predecessor Donald Trump for the deadly and chaotic withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in 2021, leading to one of the darkest moments of Biden's presidency, the Associated Press reported.

As the Afghan government fell, there were scenes of despair at Kabul airport as huge crowds tried to flee the Taliban, the BBC recalled.

"USA to declare the end of health crisis"

In 2020, previous administration of President Donald Trump introduced a national emergency due to the coronavirus and a public health emergency, Reuters reminds.
Biden has repeatedly extended those measures.
The U.S. Office of Budget Management said in a statement that the declarations will be extended again until May 11 and then revoked.
