Christos Pappas

Greek police nab fugitive deputy leader of Golden Dawn

Christos Pappas, who was second in charge of the far-right Golden Dawn party, was arrested late on July 1 in Zografos, a suburb of the Greek capital Athens. 

Pappas, who had been sentenced to 13 years in prison in October 2020 along with other senior members of the party for forming a criminal organization, had gone missing after the verdict.

Police clash with anti-fascist protestors at 1913 battle memorial

Riot police clashed with a group protesting the presence of far-right Golden Dawn officials at a memorial to the victims of the 1913 Battle of Bizani, in Ioannena, northwestern Greece, on Tuesday.

The ceremony was organized to mark the city's 104th anniversary of liberation from Ottoman rule, in which the Battle of Bizani played an instrumental role.

Justice Minister: Golden Dawn trial may be delayed due to Justice Staff shortage

In an interview with private radio Vima FM, Justice Minister Nikos Paraskevopoulos said on Wednesday that, due to understaffing problems, the trial of far right Golden Dawn deputies might be delayed.

"This delay may result in the release of the deputies, when the maximum period for holding someone without trial expires," Paraskevopoulos added.
