Grace Meng

Strengthening the US-Greece security relationship

A staunch advocate of Greece, US Representative Grace Meng, a Democrat representing New York City and a member of the Congressional Hellenic Caucus and the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, talks to Kathimerini about an amendment she recently introduced in the defense budget aimed at bolstering US-Greek defense cooperation.

Congress puts the spotlight back on the US-Greece relationship

It's been a busy month in Washington, and Hellenic issues weren't left out of the legislative agenda as Congresswoman Grace Meng and the Hellenic Caucus introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that once again puts the US-Greece relationship in the spotlight.

US Representative Grace Meng applauds inclusion of amendment supporting Greece in defense policy bill

US Representative Grace Meng, a Democrat representing New York City, and a member of the Congressional Hellenic Caucus and the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, has expressed her appreciation for the inclusion of her amendment in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).