Gratiela Gavrilescu

PM sends President Iohannis proposals for interim ministers after ALDE ministers' decided to step down

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila sent on Tuesday afternoon to President Klaus Iohannis the following proposals for the interim ministerial offices: interim Energy Minister - Economy Minister Niculae Badalau, interim Environment Minister - Water and Forests Minister Ioan Denes, and interim Minister for the Relation with Parliament - Business, Entrepreneurship and Trade Minister Radu Oprea, governm ministers discuss sustainable EU chemicals policy strategy

The agenda of the meeting of the EU environment council held in Luxembourg on Wednesday, included a discussion on the management of chemicals, according to a press statement released by the Romanian Ministry of the Environment. The meeting was the last organised under the aegis of the Romanian presidency of the EU Council.

PM Dancila: Gov't to approve simplified rules for emergency financial aid

The Government will approve simplified rules applicable to the award of emergency financial aid so that neither a social inquiry will be needed before their approval nor the drafting and approval of a government decision, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Monday. "We received yesterday a first assessment of the damage caused by severe weather.

PM Dancila: Environment Minister launched 2nd edition of Rabla programme for household appliances

The Environment Ministry launched on Thursday the 2nd edition of the Rabla programme for household appliances, a scrapping programme for which the Government has earmarked 40 million lei this year, twice compared to last year, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated. Gavrilescu: Preventing and mitigating the effects of climate change represent a key priority

Preventing and mitigating climate change effects is a key priority both for the European Union and for the Romanian Presidency at the Council of the European Union, Romania's Environment Minister and Deputy PM Gratiela Gavrilescu told an informal meeting of the EU transport ministries on Wednesday. Clean technology represents future; gov't has encouraged purchase of new, less polluting cars

The Government has encouraged the purchase of new, less polluting cars, through the car park renewal programmes carried out by the Environment Ministry, PM Viorica Dancila said on Monday in the opening of the 2019 European Automotive Industry Forum in Craiova. "Clean technology represents the future. /EU Council adopts position on revision of Drinking Water Directive

AGERPRES special correspondent to Brussels, Belgium, Oana Ghita reports: The European Council on Tuesday adopted its position on the proposal to revise the drinking water directive, with Romania's Minister of Waters and Forestry Ioan Denes telling a news conference that is a "notable result for the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council." "I am pleased glad that under this agreement we are showi Gavrilescu: Global Pact for the Environment, a consolidated future of agreement on international legislation

The global pact for the environment, one of the topics to be discussed on Tuesday with the European Union (EU) environment ministers, represents the consolidated future of the agreement on international environmental legislation, Romania's Minister of Environment Gratiela Gavrilescu said in Brussels on Tuesday, ahead of a meeting of the Environment Council.

EnviMin Gavrilescu: 400 days of technocratic governance meant a year of paralysis to Romanians

The 400 days of technocratic governance meant a year of paralysis to the Romanian people and a losing year to Romania as far as the environment was concerned, Environmental Minister Gratiela Gavrilescu told a meeting on Tuesday that took stock of her activity in office.
