Igor Juric

Igor Jurić: I know the names of several individuals, I'm ready to go to the polygraph

Being hosted in "150 minutes", Igor Juric said that when he presented the name of the famous stylist in Novi Sad, a law suit was filed against him. "I got it from one of them, a stylist from Novi Sad, because I said his name and he sued me for defamation, he is asking for 300.000 dinars in damages.

"Either that pedophile politician exists and we'll arrest him, or there isn't any"

He told Prva TV that since 2013, all proceedings in the investigation of criminal acts have been conducted by the Prosecutor's Office.
"Since October 2013, the investigation and the criminal procedure are solely in the hands of the prosecution. The prosecutor must initiate the procedure," he said.

Juric: We have evidence and photographs that five powerful men abuse children

"The evidence and the photos we have that concern people known to the public who abuse children are not just in my possession. Two friends of mine have them as well, and if something happens to me, they will release it to the public", Igor Juric told "Novosti".
According to Juric, this is a "public secret" that no one had the courage to disclose so far.

Serbia: Campaign to introduce life sentence for killers of children

A petition is being launched in about 40 towns to introduce life sentence for those found guilty of raping and murdering children, minors, and pregnant women.

The initiative has been launched by the Tijana Juric Foundation - named after a 15-year-old girl who was abducted and murdered in 2014 - and requires at least 30,000 signatures to enter parliamentary procedure.

Serbian Parliament Adopts 'Tijana's Law'

Serbia's parliament on Thursday amended the Police Act to ensure that the police search for a missing child begins right after parents notify the disappearance, rather than waiting for 48 hours, as was the law until now.

The law change has been named "Tijana's Law" in homage to Tijana Juric, a teenager whose disappearance last July and murder stunned the country.