Irinela Visan

Green diplomacy network, launched by MAE, with 18 diplomatic missions included in first stage

Romania's climate diplomacy pilot network was launched on Tuesday, following an initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), including, in a first stage, 18 diplomatic missions of our country, the most active in the field of climate diplomacy.

COVID-19 vaccination campaign: 57,615 people immunised in last 24 hours

Romania's National COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV) has reported that in the last 24 hours, 57,615 doses of vaccine were administered, of which 37,969 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, 6,149 of the Moderna vaccine, 7,690 of the AstraZeneca vaccine and 5,807 of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, according to data provided on Friday by the National Public Health Institute (INSP) on

PM Citu: Romania's economic growth means more jobs, attractiveness for investors

Prime Minister Florin Citu has welcomed the fact that Romania is recording for the second consecutive time the highest quarterly economic growth in the European Union, mentioning that that means more jobs for Romanians, and also attractiveness for foreign investors.

Iohannis: Decreased pandemic intensity may create false sense of security in unvaccinated people

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that the declining intensity of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic could create a "false sense of security" in the unvaccinated people, insisting on the need to immunise a significant percentage of the population.

PM Citu, opposition leader Ciolacu to meet on recovery, resilience plan

Prime Minister Florin Citu says he has extended an official invitation to national chairman of the opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolanu to a discussion on Romania's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) at the government headquarters. "I spoke on the phone with Marcel Ciolacu last week, and we will see each other, I think, this week at the government.

Vacaresti National Park turns 5, with 331 plant species, 336 animal species identified

Bucharest's Vacaresti National Park turns 5, interval in which, through daily monitoring, there were identified 331 plant species and 336 animal species, according to the Vacaresti National Park Association. "The Vacaresti National Park turns 5 today.

PM Citu: Decision regarding minimum wage, after discussions with entrepreneurs and unions

Prime Minister Florin Citu stated on Tuesday that a decision regarding an eventual increase of the minimum wage may be taken only following discussions with entrepreneurs and unions, remarking at the same time that in the past years, in Romania, there has been a "larger dynamic" of growth. "It's a three-part discussion and we will see what the evolution of the minimum wage is.

PM Citu: Restaurants could operate at full capacity for vaccinated persons, as of 1 June

Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Tuesday in a statement to the press that the restaurants and hotels on the Black Sea coast could operate at full capacity from 1 June, for the vaccinated persons. "It's clear that we can talk about (being) without a mask on the beach, for example. Without a mask, if we go hiking in the mountains, etc., we can go without a mask.

Over 2 million persons fully immunized so far

The threshold of two million fully vaccinated people in the national immunization campaign against COVID-19 was exceeded on Monday, according to the RO Vaccinare platform. "Over 2,029,000 people fully vaccinated in Romania! Today we have exceeded the threshold of 2,000,000 people fully vaccinated in the national vaccination campaign against COVID-19.

Threefold increase of persons, cars' border traffic this Easter holidays vs 2020

During the Easter holidays, there was a threefold increase in the transit of people and cars at the border, compared to last year, announced on Monday the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI), Chief Police Commissioner Monica Dajbog, in a press conference.
