Jeff Flake

Cats left abandoned as US Embassy moves to new location

With the U.S. Embassy in Ankara moving to its new location, some 25 to 30 cats living in the former embassy building's garden have been left abandoned, as per claims, though animal lovers have been extending help to look after those cats.

The U.S. Embassy moved to its new premises on Aug. 29 through an official ceremony held by Ambassador Jeff Flake and embassy staff.

US Embassy expands visa services in its new location

The United States Embassy to Ankara will increase visa services at its new location, a senior American diplomat said following the Turkish top diplomat's criticism on prolonged and hardened visa procedures for Turkish nationals.

The U.S. Embassy moved to its new premises on Aug. 29 through an official ceremony held by Ambassador Jeff Flake and embassy staff.

MHP reiterates polls will take place as slated in June 2023


The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) has reiterated its loyalty to the People's Alliance with the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) as well as the executive-presidential system, its leader Devlet Bahçeli has said, underlining once again that the elections will take place as scheduled in June 2023.
