Kira Yarmysh

Navalny ally Leonid Volkov attacked outside home in Lithuania

Leonid Volkov, a close ally of late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, was assaulted outside his home in Vilnius on Tuesday, an incident that sparked an uproar from the Lithuanian government.

Volkov vowed to continue his struggle against President Vladimir Putin in a video posted on Telegram early Wednesday after he was discharged from hospital.

Chaos is expected in Moscow due to Navalny's funeral VIDEO

However, problems started almost immediately. The spokeswoman for the most famous Russian opposition leader, who was found dead in a notorious prison on February 16, Kira Yarmysh, confirmed that they could not even find a hearse to take the body to the church. "Unknown people call morgues and threaten them," she said.

Obstacles Surround Navalny's Funeral Arrangements in Russia: Family Struggles to Secure Hearse

The family of the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny encountered unexpected hurdles in organizing his funeral procession, as they struggled to find a hearse to transport his body to the church for the ceremony, CNN reported.

Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny to Be Laid to Rest on Friday

The burial arrangements for Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who passed away on February 16 in a penal colony, have been finalized. Navalny's spokeswoman, Kira Yarmysh, took to the "X" social network to announce that his burial will take place on March 1 at the Borisov Cemetery in Moscow.

Ukrainian Intelligence Reveals New Details on Navalny's Death

Ukrainian military intelligence, headed by GUR Director Kyrylo Budanov, has declared that Alexei Navalny, the prominent Kremlin critic, died of natural causes. Navalny's death, which occurred in mid-February, sparked widespread speculation and suspicion regarding the circumstances leading to his demise.

BREAKING: Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny Died In Penal Colony (UPDATED)

Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny died in the IK-3 penal colony in Yamal-Nenets region in Russia. The statement from the penal facility reads that Navalny lost consciousness after a walk, resuscitation was carried out but did not yield positive results.

'Like an animal': Replica of Navalny's cell set up in Paris

A small concrete box marked with the word SHIZO (punishment cell in Russian) in giant red letters sits incongruously next to a 13th-century church just behind the Louvre museum in Paris.

The grey box is a mock-up of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny's punishment prison cell that his team unveiled in the French capital on March 14.

Alexey Navalny Has Plane Ticket to Moscow on January 17

Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, who is currently recovering in Germany from a nerve-agent attack he blames on the Kremlin, said he plans to return to Moscow despite threats by the authorities to imprison him upon his arrival.

Navalny said in an Instagram video post Wednesday that he has a ticket to Moscow on Jan. 17.
