Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

Floods in southern Brazil kill at least 57, force 70,000 from homes

Raging floods and mudslides have killed at least 57 people in southern Brazil and forced nearly 70,000 to flee their homes, the country's civil defense agency said on Saturday.

At least 74 people were injured and another 67 missing from the catastrophic flooding, civil defense said.

Bolsonaro Denies Coup Plot Amid Massive Sao Paulo Rally

Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro led a significant gathering in Sao Paulo on Sunday, vehemently rejecting allegations of involvement in a coup plot to retain power, CNN reported.

Thousands of Bolsonaro's supporters, draped in Brazil's national colors, congregated on Paulista Avenue, demonstrating solidarity amidst mounting legal challenges.

Chile ex-president Pinera dies in helicopter crash, aged 74

Chile's former president Sebastian Pinera, a billionaire tycoon who twice held the South American nation's top job, died Tuesday in a helicopter crash, his office said in a statement.

The 74-year-old Pinera often flew himself around in his own helicopter, and was a former shareholder in the country's national airline, with stakes in television and football, among other businesses.

King Charles urges 'genuine' climate action at COP28

King Charles III told world leaders Friday that the UN's COP28 talks in Dubai must be a turning point in the fight against climate change, as tough negotiations on fossil fuels began.

King Charles kicked off two days of speeches by heads of state and government in the oil-rich United Arab Emirates, with a stark warning.
