Milorad Dodik

Members of Bosnian Presidency elected

Members of Bosnian Presidency elected

SARAJEVO -- The Election Commission has confirmed the election of the three members of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

They are Bakir Izetbegović of the Party of Democratic Action, Dragan Čović of the Croatian Democratic Union and Mladen Ivanić of the Party of Democratic Progress.

"Republic of Srpska will be state"

"Republic of Srpska will be state"

BANJA LUKA -- The President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, announced a reform of the entity Constitution.

The President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, announced a reform of the entity Constitution, which will first of all include the defense of the Republic of Srpska's jurisdictions.
