Nikos Androulakis

PASOK’s Androulakis tables motion of no confidence in gov’t

Socialist PASOK leader Nikos Androulakis has submitted a no-confidence vote in the government, following a newspaper report alleging that evidence from the Tempe railway disaster was tampered with.

In tabling the motion, Androulakis accused the government of "systematically undermining the rule of law."

Bracing for a week of political clashes

Political discourse is set to get nastier this week after the opposition announced plans to submit a motion of no confidence against the government. The move comes as polls show mounting distrust in the country's institutions, with almost nine in 10 respondents saying there is an attempt to cover up the responsibilities of politicians in the 2023 Tempe rail tragedy.

Parties give own findings in Tempe probe

The cross-party parliamentary committee investigating the causes of the deadly train collision in Tempe, central Greece in February 2023 ended its sessions on Monday with each party submitting its own conclusions. Monday's tumultuous session was followed by acrimonious exchanges between the parties whose representatives participated in the committee.

Yes to digital consultation, internal referendums

In an interview with Kathimerini, SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kasselakis criticizes PASOK leader Nikos Androulakis for having a "complementary logic" to the ruling conservatives of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, and declares that he is ready to sit at the same table with other progressive parties, as long as they respect the role of the main opposition.
