Peter Stano

Chief negotiators of Belgrade, Pristina to meet in Brussels on April 4

BRUSSELS - The chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina, Petar Petkovic and Besnik Bislimi, will meet in Brussels on April 4, Tanjug learns.

Earlier on Tuesday, EU spokesperson Peter Stano announced the chief negotiators in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue would meet in Brussels next week.

The meetings in Ohrid lasted 12 hours; "I said what are our red lines"

The meeting, which was called by the High Representative of the EU, Josep Borrell, and at which participation was confirmed by the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the Prime Minister of the temporary institutions in Pristina, will take place with the support of the Special Representative of the EU, Miroslav Lajcak.

Stano: Monday's meeting will not be last one

BRUSSELS - EU spokesperson Peter Stano said Monday's high-level meeting of the Brussels dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina would not be the only or the last one.

At a press briefing, Stano said the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo were "trying to move step by step to solve all outstanding issues leading to a comprehensive agreement on the normalisation of the relations."

Lajcak, Escobar, advisers from France, Germany, Italy to visit Belgrade,Pristina

BRUSSELS - The European Commission announced on Wednesday the EU special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, would visit Belgrade and Pristina on Friday with US special Western Balkans envoy Gabriel Escobar and political advisers from France, Germany and Italy.

Lajcak, Escobar to visit Belgrade, Pristina at end of week - report

BRUSSELS - The EU special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, and US special Western Balkans envoy Gabriel Escobar are due to visit Pristina and then also Belgrade at the end of this week, Radio Free Europe has reported.

Quoting diplomatic sources in Brussels, RFE said the two would be in Pristina on January 20.
