
Petkovic: As long as Vucic is in office Kurti will not be able to expel north Kosovo Serbs

BELGRADE - The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Tuesday that, as long as Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was in office, Pristina's PM Albin Kurti would not succeed in expelling Serbs from the north of Kosovo-Metohija through unilateral actions and in changing the ethnic composition in the four Serb-majority municipalities there.

Today marks 80 years since the Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews

March 2023 marks the 80th anniversary of the rescue of Bulgarian Jews in the old borders of the Kingdom of Bulgaria from the Nazi death camps. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Exarch Stefan, Patriarch Kirill, public figures, individual politicians such as Dimitar Peshev, the protests of our civil society had an active role in it.

Tension in Kosovo after an Albanian Shot two Serbian Boys

The Albanian, who wounded two Serbs with an automatic weapon in the Kosovo village of Gotovusa, has been arrested, "Kurir" reported. The suspect has the initials A.K and is 33 years old.

Yesterday, an 11-year-old boy and a 21-year-old youth were injured in the village of Gotovusa near the town of Shterpce by a passing car. Both were taken to hospital with moderate injuries.

Petkovic: Attack on Serb youths a murder attempt

BELGRADE - The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic said Friday's armed attack on two Kosovo Serb youths at Gotovusa, near Strpce, was "an attempt of murder" and noted that someone had "wanted to give the Serbs a bloody Christmas."

He said that, according to locals, the two had been shot at by an ethnic Albanian from a moving vehicle.
