Stevo Pendarovski

Gordana Siljanovska Davkova and VMRO-DPMNE Secure Landslide Victory in North Macedonia Elections

After a decisive electoral triumph, Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, representing VMRO-DPMNE, clinched victory in the second round of North Macedonia's presidential elections, defeating incumbent Stevo Pendarovski. Siljanovska vowed to serve as a president for all citizens and addressed key diplomatic issues, notably commenting on relations with neighboring Bulgaria.

Athens wary of VMRO comeback

The expected victory of the center-right nationalist VMRO-DPMNE party in North Macedonia's presidential and parliamentary elections is worrying Greek officials, who do not know how far the new government will go towards questioning, or even repudiating, the 2018 Prespes Agreement, which put an end to nearly 30 years of tension between the two countries over the name "Macedonia," which Greeks co

Concern over nationalists’ rise in North Macedonia

The resounding victory of North Macedonia's conservative VMRO-DPMNE candidate Gordana Siljanovska (41.2% to 20.5%) over the country's outgoing president Stevo Pendarovski, who is supported by the Socialist Party, in the first round of the presidential election elections is a very clear reflection of a general upward nationalist trend in the neighboring country.

Presidential Runoff Looms in North Macedonia as Siljanovska and Pendarovski Advance

The presidential election landscape in North Macedonia is poised for a runoff between Gordana Siljanovska, representing VMRO-DPMNE, and Stevo Pendarovski, backed by SDSM, following the release of partial results by the State Electoral Commission. With 98.18 percent of the protocols processed, Siljanovska leads with 40.20 percent of the vote, compared to Pendarovski's 20 percent.

North Macedonia’s opposition rightist leads ahead of May 8 presidential poll runoff

North Macedonian presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova held a big lead over incumbent Stevo Pendarovski with votes counted from 99.03% of polling stations on Thursday, but both were short of the 50% backing needed to win outright.

Macedonian Presidential Candidates Divided on Inclusion of Bulgarians in Constitution

The debate surrounding the inclusion of Bulgarians in North Macedonia's constitution, a crucial precondition for the country's European Union accession talks, has taken center stage in the ongoing presidential campaign. As candidates vie for support, their stances on this contentious issue highlight diverging perspectives within the political landscape.

Vučić in Tirana: "I will adhere to principles of National Security Council of Serbia"

"We have several proposals for a declaration, we'll see... The only thing I can say is that I will stick to the principles adopted by the National Security Council of the Republic of Serbia two years ago," Vui told the gathered journalists.
